option { font-style: italic; } or option { font-style: oblique; } has no effect. Therefore if you want to make the options in a select italic in IE you have to set the select tag, and there’s no way to prevent the optgroup heading being italic.
The default width of a SELECT form control is usually dependent on the width of the widest OPTION item in the list; the width of the SELECT list will basically be not much greater (but no less) than this width. The HTML standards don't allow for a way to control this width.
CSS-egenskaper li, link, noscript, ol, option, p, pre, samp, select, small, span, strike, strong, style, sub, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, tr, u, ul. The lightning:dualListbox allows you to select one or more options from a list